The Sacred Tree

Oct 22, 20203 min

🎃Samhain Blessings🎃

Isn't late October a beautiful time of the year as the trees shed there leaves of yellows, reds and gold.🍁🌾

When the blackberries are full and ripe in the hedgerows and natures wildlife is busy storing and collecting the last of the seasons harvest. Our fruit trees are laden with apples and we feel the change in the air around us. 🍊🌰

I love this time of year. Walking in our woods and kicking the crunchy fallen leaves always reminds me of childhood when we used to make great piles of leaves and jump into them. A time when nature's forces return to the earth as we prepare for shorter days and longer nights. A time of transformation as there can be no growth without change.⏳🌛

We celebrate the change of this season in many ways and we also celebrate the Celtic Festival of Samhain (Sah-win), or most people know it as Halloween. 🎃

In ancient times Samhain was believed to be the time when the veil was thinnest between the world of the living and the dead. A time to honour our good ancestors, friends and family who have passed over. At Samhain, we call the Goddess the Crone, the Cailleach, the old one, the aspect of the goddess that teaches us wisdom, that helps us transform what we need to change and grow. Just like the leaves letting go from the trees and returning again in the Spring.

The Crone teaches us that letting go is a natural part of life. When we let go, we make space for something new.

We can feel close to the Crone at this time by simply spending some time with an older person. 👵👴Maybe you can visit your grandparents or an elderly neighbour, who can tell you stories about their life; now I know there are restrictions in place at the moment but a phone call can do the same thing and make someone's day!

🎃There are lots of different ways to celebrate this Fire Festival and here I will give you a few ideas if you would like that maybe you can incorporate into your own celebrations wherever you are. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate just your unique way.🎃

I love candles and warm scents at this time of the year like Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove and Orange essential oils.

I personally decorate the mantle over my fire with coloured leaves and twigs, add oranges and red apples for colour and add pictures of my family members and friends who have passed away.

The festival of Samhain serves as a reminder not only that life contains death, but also that it contains the mystery of rebirth and the movement of the cycle ever onwards.

We plant bulbs and shrubs in our gardens also at this time to await there growth and delight in Spring.🌱🌹🌺

You can also celebrate through ritual; where you name, honour and remember those you have passed. Beginning with those who died in the last year and then commemorate all our good ancestors. Then out of grief, we bring back joy and name all the newborn babies, new friends and opportunities we have met. However you celebrate, its your way and your celebration and it will be wonderful

🎃We also carve pumpkins or when I was little it was turnips and they took a week to carve...I prefer pumpkins! These were used to guide the spirits of our dead and we put food out for offerings. The offerings of food have now become the trick or treat sweeties and candy and the spirits of our dead have become the ghosts 👻and skeleton ☠costumes and decorations we see now.

So below are a few other things you can do to celebrate. Samhain blessings to you all. Stay safe and remember that you are never far from your ancestors.

Enjoy the season of change.

Helen. Xx

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